Media relations is what it’s all about. Generating editorial coverage for our clients is what we do best.
We do all the other bits you would expect from a full service London PR and media relations agency, but securing media coverage, whether traditional or digital is what we really excel at.
The key to our success is being creative, skillful and proactive and totally results driven. We come up with ideas and storylines that appeal to your target audiences and sell them to editors, writers and social media content creators.
We seize all the opportunities available from products features and review sections, guides and seasonal articles to comments and quotes in articles and news stories.
Media contacts know that we are a reliable source of information and can be trusted to get copy, pictures, samples and other editorial collateral to them when they need it.
For all our media relations work we provide evaluation and insights into campaign results and achievements that can be used as benchmarking tools for future activity.