Clareville’s top tips
As Debrett’s, the etiquette specialists, issue their list of most frequently asked questions – it’s worth remembering the importance of good manners in the business world.
Business is all about interacting with people and utilising interpersonal skills and that includes treating everyone, from the intern to the MD, with respect. Colleagues – and clients – will forgive a lot but bad manners and bad attitude have no place in the business environment. Interestingly Debrett’s most commonly asked question regarding best business practice is whether it’s acceptable to ‘blind copy’ someone into an email so that those receiving it don’t know others are secretly able to read it too. Their answer is pragmatic but sound “Blind copying should be used discerningly as it is deceptive to the primary recipient”.
Other top tips on the Clareville list for good office etiquette and business manners include:
· Say please and thank you – face to face, on the phone or in emails
· Treat your colleagues with respect – make all of them feel valued irrespective of seniority
· Put your mobile on silent during meetings and never send texts or check for emails whilst meetings are going on
· Keep things to yourself when necessary and resist the temptation to pass on any sensitive information (professional or personal) such as salaries or client information
· Be punctual – turning up late for meetings or to the office makes you look unprofessional
· Make sure that encouragement and praise are delivered promptly when due
· Don’t interrupt during team meetings, colleagues deserve the right to be heard
· Remain positive and upbeat with clients – even when they replace you with another agency!
Good business usually goes hand in hand with good manners. Bad manners can only result in lost business.
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