When is it an editorial review and when is it “I would like the best baby gear for free please” We want our clients to be in the blogosphere, we really do, when they are tweeted and blogged and #hashtagged it makes our ‘cutting edge digital PR agency’ hearts sing. However, when each item is non-returnable (baby safety) and £100 and upwards; when is providing product for bloggers viable and when is it not? There are various methods of measuring how good a blog is …. by the number of followers it has, the number of unique views per month, the number of facebook fans and twitter followers it has …. but how do we know their fans and followers are the right target audience? The demographic analytics of blogs are blurry to say the least. With traditional circulation figures you know people have bought the magazine, and not accidentally picked it up and taken it home never to read it *clicked on it by mistake*. We get approximately 5-10 emails per day from new mummy bloggers, new auntie bloggers, ‘I have had a baby and am thinking of starting a blog’ bloggers. Rarely have they decided on their posts and what they want to write about, they never offer figures for their blog and most of all they will always use the phrase “happy to review anything”. Do we turn them down in their droves, forcing them towards the ever present #PRbashing on twitter? Should we offer products to one in ten or just to the ones that have no typos in their email? Of play safe and only deal with the blogs that have been around for more than a year? The list is endless! But until MummyBlogger-Gate and those who are asking for expensive products with a blog with 2 followers (one mum, one partner) are exposed, maybe we should start replying with this image, as one blogger recently sent to a PR…..http://wallblog.co.uk/2011/10/10/reply-all-fail-pr-calls-prominent-mommy-blogger-a-fing-bitch-with-predictable-results/
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