Christmas jumpers are back, and bigger than ever! Once considered the epitome of naff and un-cool (think Mark Darcey’s cringey festive knit in Bridget Jones) it seems we’ve done a u-turn and are once again embracing the garish seasonal sweater. Not only that, the brighter the better it seems with... read more →
Over the years there have been plenty of examples of sporting pitch invasions by visiting attendees trying to grab the attention of everyone around them. Whether it’s for a bit of fun or something more sinister there have been times where security simply didn’t get to the ‘invader’ quickly enough... read more →
Dinner party, bar and social media chat has echoed for a year or so with many thousands of cab customers praising Uber as the wondrous new alternative to expensive black taxis and unreliable mini-cabs. However, the company’s PR teams are now frantically trying to dampen down increasingly out of control... read more →
Sheffield United has finally made a decision on convicted rapist and footballer Ched Evans –he will not be allowed to train with them. Whatever the moral arguments for and against his return, one thing is certain, Sheffield United’s reputation has been tarnished by the saga and the damage has been... read more →
As a PR agency we are obviously always working with the media to produce the most accurate and positive stories about our clients, this is primarily for two ultimate objectives – to shift the clients’ products off the shelves/make money, and to achieve brand recognition – which usually, with the... read more →
Picture the scene. A London landmark surrounded by thousands of deep red flowers stretching as far as the eye can see. Sound familiar? The poppies at the Tower of London have captured public interest since the first few were planted in the summer. The installation, called Blood Swept Lands and... read more →
Clareville’s top tips As Debrett’s, the etiquette specialists, issue their list of most frequently asked questions - it’s worth remembering the importance of good manners in the business world. Business is all about interacting with people and utilising interpersonal skills and that includes treating everyone, from the intern to... read more →
The Ebola epidemic in West Africa is creating a dreadful humanitarian disaster where the main focus of discussion has been on how to mobilise sufficient levels of international aid efforts needed to control and contain it. The crisis is, however, also giving rise to some very negative responses which can... read more →
In a recent article ran a summary of Chris Blackhurst’s ‘bad PR’ rant and highlighted 14 reasons why hacks (journalists) hate flacks (PRs). Whilst I have to agree the content was very funny it did make me wonder whether we were getting the rough end of the deal being... read more →
Lord Northcliffe's famous dictum : "news is something someone somewhere doesn't want printed. Everything else is advertising" came to mind recently when the Independent on Sunday reported the death of Alan Henning on a plain black background with the words On Friday, a decent, caring human being was murdered in... read more →
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