When working in PR you’re faced daily with making important decisions promptly and efficiently. PR requires quick and accurate thinking skills. On a daily basis, in a working environment, I succeed at this. Yet when it comes to everyday life, decisions become a trauma. When confronted with insignificant decisions, I... read more →
Work experience… seems a bit daunting to step out of the class room and into the wonderful world of work, even if it is for a brief amount of time, it’s another process of life. You’re taken out of your daily routine and put into a completely new one, but... read more →
QR codes seem like a good idea - a way to allow readers the chance to find out more about something than an advert or packaging space permits. It seems good for the reader and the brand.That 's why they have been cropping up everywhere for nearly a year or... read more →
Having recently generated some coverage in the national media for a Clareville client I started thinking back to when I generated my first ever piece of coverage in a national paper. This was way back when I was still slim, had shiny glossy hair and wore high heeled boots! I... read more →
I read recently that reporters were told off by employers at Associated Press for tweeting breaking news before it was published on their website (http://tinyurl.com/7t5mdb9). This to me seemed absurd – Twitter surely is the first port of call? And then it occurred to me – Twitter has taken... read more →
Personal space in the social sphere This week, a survey reveals that almost two-thirds of Britons don’t want to engage with brands on social networks (http://tinyurl.com/bu9rorx). Taking this report into consideration, it leads me to question the issue of personal space and privacy in the world of social media. When... read more →
Hello! My name is Rebecca and I came to London with my Swedish school for a three-week practice. I got the opportunity to do my internship at Clareville Communications and this is my last week before I go back to Sweden. Working at Clareville Communications has been an extremely good opportunity for me,... read more →
I have just spent the best part of two days constructing our first agency e-newsletter with a new whiz-bang piece of software. The experience has made me realise that although I am a highly effective PR consultant I am not a highly efficient online publisher! As the DIY sector sees... read more →
Have you seen the entertaining Specsavers TV ad in which a couple, trying to drive on to a ferry, mistakenly board an adjacent aircraft carrier? Soon they are on deck with jet fighters landing around them. It is the latest in a memorable series of adverts that entertain us, make... read more →
I have to confess that I embarked on my month’s internship at Clareville with some trepidation after my first experience of PR interning was a somewhat interesting experience. I had visions of sitting in a corner with no desk, being largely ignored feeling close to tears. Fortunately I could not... read more →
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